Preguntas frecuentes
Intrauterine device and menstrual cup.
Is it safe to use the menstrual cup together with the intrauterine contraceptive device?
We know that there are many cup users who can easily use it with the IUD / IUD.
Unfortunately, there are also cases in which the use of these two means of delivery of the intrauterine device has occurred. This could be due to incorrect insertion of the cup (too deep), anatomical factors (such as the lowered cervix) or simply rejection of the body.
We recommend that you consult a nurse or gynecologist.
If you have chosen to use both, consider the following:
• There should always be free space between the cup and the suppository. If you have a low tone cone, you do not have enough space in the vagina to allow the YUUKI cup to adhere to the vaginal walls and work with the IUD. However, from the experience of many users, we know that our cups are used by girls with a higher cervix. If you are not sure of the position of the suppository or if you need more information, contact your gynecologist to obtain the information.
• After each menstruation, check that you still feel the body's fibers. If the fibers are not felt or you feel that the IUD has moved or is causing pain, use another form of contraception, such as a condom, until a doctor or health care professional reviews the device.
Which sizes are available and which of them should I order?
You can find the sizes on: "https://www.yuukicup.mx/en/blog/como-elegir-el-tamano-adecuado-de-la-copa-detail-643".
If you do it correctly and carefully, it should not be painful. Women who have not yet had sexual intercourse may have some problems at the beginning, but they will pass with time. The vagina is able to stretch to allow a baby’s head to pass through it, and the cup is many times smaller. When inserting the cup, you can lubricate it with water or with lubricating gel. When inserting the cup, press its bottom to release the vacuum and take it out carefully.
Most manufacturers state ten years. Theoretically, it can last till the end of one’s life because it is made of the same type of silicone as that implanted during surgery. It is up to you whether to purchase a new cup. We provide a two-year warranty on the Yuuki cup.
No, not if it has been inserted correctly and is emptied before it gets completely full. After inserting the cup, you need to turn it slightly and pull it a bit, to create a vacuum to make the cup stick to the vagina wall.
How come the cup stays in the same position
The cup holds firmly thanks to the vagina muscles and the slight vacuum built up inside it.
It depends on your period. The intensity of every woman’s menstrual flow varies. If your menstruation is average to heavy, you should empty the cup every 3 to 10 hours. Some women with very low menstruation may even go 12 hours before emptying the cup.On heavier menstruation days, you may have to empty your cup more often. If you have tried already the big cup and have seen that you have to empty it every three hours, you have an extremely heavy period. That need not be a problem but you should discuss it with your doctor. There are means of controlling such heavy menstruation
Si ya ha probado la copa grande y debe vaciarla cada tres horas, entonces tiene un período extremamente intenso. No tiene que significar ningun problema, sin embargo, es mejor consultarlo con su médico. Ya hay medios que ayudan a controlar menstruación tan intensa.
Can women with heavily menstruation use the cup?
Yes. Even women with very heavy menstruation can use the cup, but they need to empty it more often or choose the big cup size.
Can I feel the cup when using it?
Most women do not feel it, particularly if they have cut away the cup stem. Some are aware of having the cup, like having a tampon. The cup is soft, and when you have the right size and type and it is correctly inserted, you should not feel any pain or discomfort.
How can I see that the cup is in the correct position and fits tightly?
Never insert the cup right up. The vagina is angled toward the rectum, so incline the cup in that direction. To check whether it fits tightly, grasp the stem and try to turn the cup or run your finger over the rim to check that it is oval in shape.
If you are able to turn the cup, it does not fit tightly. Try to move it carefully up and down. A little air should enter to seal the cup.
Yes, you can.
Do I have to sterilize my cup?
It is recommended. You should of course wash the cup daily with warm water or with disinfection water. In any case, the cup must be boiled for 5-10 minutes each time before starting to menstruate or you should use our IB - infuser box.
How to sterilize the cup?
It might happen that you’ll be somewhere where you can’t boil the cup in a normal saucepan. In this case we recommend using our sterilization box, which is used to store the cup during your menstrual cycle and also to sterilize the cup in a microwave. We certainly do not recommend using any chemicals (Savo, peroxide).
Do I have to take out the cup if I am only going to the toilet?
No, you do not have to take out the cup.
We have soap gel at work. Can I use it to wash the cup?
It is important that it has neutral pH (unfortunately we do not recommend classic soap gel, but if it has neutral pH, then you can use it).
It doesn’t matter, however; if you’re not sure, just wash the cup with clean water and then clean it properly when you get home (you can also moisten a paper towel and use it to wipe the cup).
How can I clean the cup in public rest rooms?
You take it out and clean in the same way as at home, but you should take a bottle of water, our disinfection water or a wet paper tissue with you to clean the cup before using it again. You can clean the cup thoroughly when you get back home.
What should I do if I do not have any drinking water at hand to wash the cup?
You can clean the cup thoroughly with a paper tissue or toilet paper and wait until you get home to clean it properly.
Can a girl who has not yet had sexual intercourse use the cup?
That is completely up to you. The cup will change the hymen. So, if you (or your family or religion) believe that the hymen must stay intact until the wedding, you should wait until after you have first had sexual intercourse. In all other respects, it is completely all right.
I am pregnant but I still have breakthrough bleeding sometimes. Can I use the cup in such cases?
You should not use the cup during pregnancy. The vaginal passage should be unobstructed during that time, even if you are in the early stages of pregnancy. For safety reasons.
I have given birth recently. Can I use the cup?
You should not use the cup because of postnatal bleeding. Please wait at least 6 weeks after giving birth before starting using the cup again.
I am going through the menopause and my period is quite irregular. Can I use the cup?
Of course. You may discover that it will relieve uncertainty. Some women experience severe cramps during the menopause. Their menstrual flow varies. The vertical position and comfort of the cup as well as its relief have helped women to withstand these cramps more easily.
I am allergic to latex. Can I use the cup?
Yes. The Yuuki menstrual cup is made of medical grade silicone and not latex.
There’s no need to worry; unlike tampons, menstrual cups do not cause TSS.
This dangerous disease is caused by bacteria that multiply inside absorbent materials, such as tampons. If you use them, be careful and do not underestimate the symptoms: severe flu, aching muscles, stomach cramps, head and neck pain, a sudden rise in body temperature above 39 °C, diarrhoea and vomiting, sudden drops in pressure and rapid heartbeat, often accompanied by a feeling of weakness, dizziness, a rash (this may occur on various parts of the body or just in specific places such as the armpit or groin area).
Is there a risk of toxic shock or other infection caused by the use of the cup?
Do not worry, if you follow the steps of cleaning, care and instructions to save the cup, there is no risk of infections.
My uterus is inclined. Can I still use the cup?
Yes, you can. You only have to find the correct angle that suits you best.
I cannot use tampons because they do not stay within me. Will I have the same problem with the cup?
You should first try out the cup and see. The experience may be different for every woman. For women who cannot opt for a specific size or softness grade we offer two cups at a special offer price.
Can I use the cup if I have endometriosis?
Yes, it is completely safe. The cups are said to cause this problem, but it has never been proven. It is pure speculation.
Can the cup get lost or stuck inside me?
No; if you remove the vacuum well, you can take it out easily. The cup is flexible. If you remove enough of the vacuum, you can take the cup out very easily. And it cannot get lost inside you. It is firmly encircled by the vagina muscles, forming a sort of casing in which the cup is "embedded".
I have problems taking the cup out. What should I do?
Most women will have no problems taking the cup out. However, if you do, this means you did not remove the vacuum sealing the cup. First, try to relax as much as possible. If this does not help, try to squat down (which will shorten the vaginal passage) or bend forward, such as when having intestinal problems, to reach the cup better. But if you think you cannot take the cup out without spilling it, go to the shower, press the cup wall completely and take it out. Most women are more concerned with spilling the contents than taking the cup out. Nevertheless, taking it out is the main priority. Different cups each work a little differently, but they always require some experience taking them out.
Can the cup spill or could I get dirty when taking it out?
It is possible that the first few times you take it out, the process will not be absolutely perfect, but don’t worry, it’s merely a matter of experience.
I have long nails. Can I still use the cup?
You can, but you must be more careful when inserting and applying it. The silicone is thick enough not to be damaged by your nails.
Where should I store the cup when I am not using it?
After cleaning and sterilizing the cup, you should put it in a clean textile bag or in the Yuuki box. Never store the cup in a plastic bag!
If I order a cup, will it be delivered in discreet package?
Yes. Nobody will know what was delivered to you.
Can I wash the cloth bag that comes with the cup?
Yes, the bags are made of cotton and can be washed both in the washing machine and by hand. Satin sachets wash them by hand.
What happens if I am in another position, for example when practising yoga or different exercises?
For hygiene reasons, you should empty the cup before exercising.
Can I have sexual intercourse when using the cup?
No, you cannot. The cups are in the lower part of the vagina. The penis could hit the cup and change its position.
Can the menstrual cup be used as contraception?
Definitely not.
Can women lend each other the cup after sterilizing it properly?
Surprisingly, this is one thing that women attempt to do in countries with a lower standard of living. But our company discourages it. Particularly if it is not guaranteed that the cup is 100% sterilized. Even when it is cleaned thoroughly, there is a risk, particularly if one of the women has an infection.
Can I practise inserting and taking out the cup even before I get my period?
Yes. It is actually recommended! It is better to master the technique before getting your period, and it is also safe.
I have to use a lubricant to insert it. What type can I use?
Any type, but it must be a water-based lubricant! This information must be stated on the package of the lubricating gel. Never use lubricants containing oils or sugar!